On Saturday, my husband and I were lucky enough to both have the day off of work. It also happened to be the first Saturday of the 2013 Iowa State Fair. Originally, we had hoped to drive back to Kansas to visit a few good friends and see family this weekend, but life got in the way and we couldn’t make that trip this weekend. So instead we drove a little over 30 minutes to enjoy the fair.

By the time we arrived a little after 10 a.m. the parking was full and the midway was buzzing! We went straight for the typical fair fare, hand dipped corn dogs! I had the standard corn dog while Eli went for a veggie corn dog, I was shocked and pleased that there are a few more healthy options at the fair these days (though I did enjoy my pork corn dog!)

After our corn dogs we headed out in search of ongoing fair events and caught part of the dairy cattle show.

We then moved on to check out some of the other large animals. Including some sheep that had amazing curly wool.

We also saw this amazing elk, they are so incredibly huge! But not as “huge” as the fairs biggest boar which weighed in at 1,103 lbs!!!

And there was this beautiful bantam hen…

And an amazing balloon sculpture being built while we watched!

We finished our day with a healthy blooming onion and funnel cake… Guilt free day of the week!

After we headed home, we went to the public library for some free entertainment. I found some excellent quilting books and a calligraphy book and can’t wait to share some of the results!  Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend!

Erin Myone