Archives for posts with tag: #floral

This has been a slow and sorry week for the ol’ blog here. I have been working with fervor on my research and writing all day everyday, but not finding time to write here. So a short update.

Crocheting is happening during the moments of reading or thinking in between the moments of typing and editing. I have added my second color to the Crochet Along blanket. I can’t remember how much detail I previously gave on this blanket, but my blanket is 74 inches wide, and is being crocheted entirely of double crochet stitches on a size H hook. Needless to say it is a somewhat slow process, but I have actually gained quite a bit of speed over the past 4 days since I began.

Tonka walks are still happening of course. Here she is with her neighborhood cat friend. They run into each other when they are both out on their leash in the mornings or evenings. It’s very sweet, the cat kind of intimidates Tonka. Lately, Tonkas has been trying to take advantage of her walk time by dragging me along on longer walks or finding pinecones to play fetch with. I think she finds all of the still time devoted to writing or crocheting quite dull.

And finally, there are still flowers in bloom though we seem to be in a transitional stage between the summer and fall flora.

No time to sit at the sewing machine this week, which has me down in the doldrums but hopefully that will all change after Monday! Wish me luck!


Erin Myone

Good morning!

I’ve never known another name for naked ladies, but I imagine I might have some extra traffic for this post due to the name. I, however, am writing about the flower! Are they a weed? Or do people intentionally plant naked ladies? They seem to spring out of the ground in a single evening (at least I never notice them until they are tall blooming stalks!)

My husband says that any plant that grows where it is not wanted is a weed. So if you like your naked ladies where they are, then they are not weeds. If you hate your rose-bush, then it is a weed. At least, that is his rule of thumb.

I imagine enough people are fans of Naked Ladies that they aren’t often considered weeds. This poor Echinacea though, could sure use some love. Echinacea root has wonderful herbal medicinal purposes, you think it would be given some more attention!

But then I have no memory of an Echinacea plant that didn’t look a little distraught. Maybe that’s their thing?

Anyway, off to sling cupcakes! With an afternoon of research and writing ahead. I sure hope to get back to those HST soon.

P.S. – I have found my inspiration for my first original quilt block design! So excited to share it with you!


Erin Myone

2013-08-08 14.51.39Another neighbor has an extremely developed zinnia garden. These flowers are like a party, they are vibrant and gorgeous.

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The color varieties and the beauty of the petals blow my mind.

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I love finding something so incredibly beautiful on my average everyday walk! Talk about a pick me up!

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Hopefully the beauty is translated through the images and you are feeling a little brightness in your day too!

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Erin Myone